Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God's Girl: The Worm and the Butterfly

Transformation: renewal gives us wings to fly!

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Then you will be able to test & approve what God’s Will is

- His good, pleasing & perfect Will.”

Romans 12:2

Archbishop Chaput of Denver said recently, quoting Cardinal Lustiger, that: Lukewarm Christianity is a convenient form of paganism.

We need to be on fire with our Faith. We should live a very different life to that of the world. It should be plain to ALL that we are Christians because our Lives proclaim the message that is in perfect unity with His Word. That we like Jesus, become: Word made flesh. We must reflect our Heavenly identity in word, thought & deed.

Let us draw close to He who Is Love, to become Jesus Christ to a hurting world, that by radiating His Image, we may grow in grace & courage to bring about the renewal of the planet. We need character to change, to convert daily, to be constantly challenged in our Faith Walk, that “…Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”, may become a reality in OUR DAY.

“Prayer is pure receptivity to God’s grace, Love in action, communion with the Spirit Who dwells within us, leading us, through Jesus, in the Church, to our Heavenly Father. In the power of His Spirit, Jesus is always present in our hearts, quietly waiting for us to be still with Him, to hear His Voice, to abide in His Love & to receive “power from on High”, enabling us to be salt & light for our world.”

- Pope Benedict XVI – Homily on World Youth Day 2008

God bless you all, -pray for me.

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